With all this golf writing when do you find time to play?
“Almost never (laughs). I end up taking my clubs with me to some of the majors and if I’m lucky I get to play a little here and there. I get in more great late evening rounds in Scotland annually than I do at home!”
Morning or afternoon Tee time preferred?
“Definitely afternoon. I’m not a morning person even though I am on a morning TV show. I’ve yet to see a golf course that looks anything but amazing at the golden hour. And really, who likes dew or the morning sun in your eyes? Plus, a beer and meal tastes so much better after evening golf. And finally, I just love being out when the birds and wildlife come out to wrap up their day!”
One location you have yet to design a golf course for that would be a dream?
“Pure linksland. Everyone who has ever dreamed of designing would love a piece of pure links land to lay a course down upon and quietly embellish where necessary.”
Does good design happen on the course or on a computer?
“Never on a computer, but it does allow you to create an image of what you hope it will look like so golfers can visualize what you envision. But other than that it’s good for nothing. People try and that’s why we have too many lousy computer aided designs.”
Have you ever caught a foul ball in Dodger Stadium?
“Well… I have “gotten” a foul ball… There was a scrum and it just kind of rolled to me.”
Best Dodger Dog toppings?
“I keep it simple, mustard and relish all the way!”
What is the most fun thing about the horse track?
“I love the horses and all of the characters drawn to the sport. The gambling part is a great distraction and quite cerebral in a fun way if you don’t get carried away. I am part of a group that has about 5 horses and I think my share amounts to owning some hair on one of the horses mane. But it’s so fun to get to know the horses, learn their quirks and be part of that strange little world of racing. And when they win or come close, it’s just such a thrill to see how the horses get full of themselves and also for the people who keep them healthy.”
What was the stadium “links” experience at Petco Park like?
“I think it fulfills a dream every golfer who has sat and watched a baseball game. There are so many parallels between the sports, especially in variety of stadium design. But mostly, you just can't fathom that the distance between home plate and center field is just a 9 iron or a wedge. Once you’re playing, it’s surreal every time you hit a shot that you aren’t going to break anything because the stadium is made to withstand a baseball. Other than that, it’s just a lot of fun.”
I took a look at your instagram, what is your favorite place to watch a sunset?
“Palisades Park! If you don’t love palisades park there’s something wrong with you! People who visit here cherish that we have that area left open to look at the bay. There’s nothing quite like it anywhere in the world. It’s a real treasure.”
Who do you like to watch a sunset next too?
“Only people who don’t talk through it!"
What attracts you to the JO lifestyle?
“Well I bought my first shirt from Johnnie when he was just getting them into Roger Dunn and they were so different than anything anyone was doing. I’ve always loved the look of the shirts and the melding of the beach vibe with the golf vibe. I still wear a couple of my older ones to the beach. They’ve held up great! The #1 baramoter for me for ANY piece of golf clothing is that when I leave the golf course I feel comfortable stopping at the market to pick up eggs. And if I can walk in a store and not feel like it’s apparent I just played 18, that's a comfortable, universal design vibe and Johnnie’s always gotten that."
Thoughts on the tweener button?
“I believe when John came on our ShackHouse podcast I referred to it as the best invention since the light bulb. In the pantheon of great 20th or 21st century design innovations, it’s right there with the best of them. I’ve bought a couple of really nice dress shirts lately and they just aren’t as versatile without the Tweener!
What is a defining #wellplayed moment in history?
“Hmmmmm, when I think back, there’s so many I can think of, but if you’re truly passionate about the sport it would be Tom Watson and Jack Nickalaus at Turnberry in 1977. I was not fortunate enough to watch it on TV because I was too young but have watched on YouTube and highlights shows. They really wanted to beat each other but there was an air of amusement to each guy one-upping the other. The mutual admiration and respect was not forced, it was so graceful and natural. If you watch those two and know their history they were one of a kind in the sportsmanship department, but they still wanted to win so badly. Epically well played!”